Frequently asked questions.
When will book 2 be out?
Book 2 is slated to be out near the end of 2021.
Is this a series or a trilogy?
At the moment I have a series in mind, but the first three books are part of a story arc that concludes in a trilogy. If there is interest in more books, I’ll continue the series.
Do you consider your series LitRPG?
Yes and no. I hope that my book is a new twist on that genre, using what I consider the most interesting parts of GameLit to tell a story that I would want to read. That said, my story might be better termed as urban fantasy wearing cyberpunk sunglasses than LitRPG. Judge for yourselves. The idea for this series began after reading some LitRPG and not really enjoying it as much as I thought I would. It felt like the concept had lots of potential but didn’t really deliver on the story side of the equation. While my novel has lots of LitRPG elements, like floating blue screens and game interfaces, there is a story relevant explanation that makes these elements central to the story and character development, while also making them a part of an ongoing mystery running through the plot.
Hey! What do you mean there is a story deficit in the LitRPG genre!?
There has been an explosion of LitRPG stories over the last few years. All excellent (ok, not all, some are terrible!) and wonderful in their own way. The reason I decided to write my own novel was that I didn’t find the LitRPG story that I wanted to read. A lot of the time, the LitRPG element is just an assumption tacked onto the story, not really fully fleshed out or even made central to the plot. Which is a bit like watching the movie Tron but never telling the audience you’d been sucked into a 1980s computer. The story I wanted to read was one where the game aspects are both explained and serve a logical, plot-relevant, purpose within the context of the story. And, or course, to provide a good excuse for all the dopamine hits that come along with all the leveling and skill gains.